Search Results for: lego

Lately, all I can think about is Emerson’s first birthday party. This time last year, I was so uncomfortable and spent most of my time wishing he would come out. It’s funny how different things can be in just a year. Now, I find myself trying to slow down time, so I can keep him from having his first birthday. Is it possible that my baby is turning one?

Despite my somber feelings about Emerson turning one, I decided to plan a cheerier party for him. He’s only going to be one once, right? I’m planning a “Hip Hip Hooray” vintage style birthday party. I just can’t kick the vintage feel lately!

His party will be adorn with red, teal, and chocolate brown decor. I have a ton of fun ideas. To help me execute them, I am creating several (that is not an understatement) inspiration boards. In fact, I had created one large inspiration board, but thought it would look better to separate them out.

Over the next several weeks, I will post a different inspiration board relating to his party! I would LOVE any suggestions, ideas, etc. The more ideas the merrier. Also, Skyler is turning 6 and I’m planning on doing the same thing for him. He is having a Lego party, so start thinking about his party too. Believe me, I don’t have a shortage of ideas for his party either!

He’s just a sneak peak of all my ideas. . . .