I am in LOVE with the cupcakes I just made! They were fabulous, if I don’t say so myself! Thank you so much to my dear friend Cami for opening my eyes to all the wonderful things I’ve been missing. She made some adorable cupcakes the other day and I was dying to know where she got the recipe. She was kind enough to pass along another amazing blog. The recipes for these cupcake came from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. The recipe that we (my adorable sister Kellie was kind enough to help me make these, thanks Kel) used was Chocolate Dipped Candy Cupcake. This recipe combines two of my favorite things. Cupcakes and Candy! Need I say more. They were devine! Exquisit! Freakin’ unbelievable!!!

No really, they were amazing! Enjoy these yummy photos!

Try these for yourself or I can try them for you!

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  1. Kathleen Studer says: June 4, 2010

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