It’s high time I get off my lazy bum and get back to work! I’ve been milking this so called maternity leave for long enough. I need to stop resting on my laurels and get back out there. Start making modern, classy, and contemporary products. Share my talents with the world, or at least the cool people that shop on Etsy. I need to make a name for myself! Make it onto the front page of Etsy, just to say I did it! I need to sell, sell, sell! Okay, now that I’ve given myself the proper pep talk, all I really wanted to say was. . . .

That’s right! My Etsy shop is FINALLY open, again! It’s really funny because truth be told, I haven’t stopped working since, well, ever! I closed my Etsy shop in November because I was getting too many orders and I was worried that Emerson was going to come early and I wouldn’t be able to get everyone’s Christmas cards out. Well, that didn’t happen since the little poop was a week late. So, I continued to work to distract myself. In fact, the day we got home from the hospital I was still packaging up people’s Christmas cards and shipping them out. I haven’t missed a beat since. I’ve been working on my friends and families projects, my previous Etsy customers, and those lucky clients who have my personal email address.

I’ve been up late every night for the past few weeks. I plan on taking the weekend off to do whatever I want to. It is Mother’s Day weekend after all. I’m a Mommy three times over so I think I deserve some Mommy time. Plus, I totally miss my husband! I’m coming to bed with you this weekend honey!!! I promise!

However, after the weekend it’s back to work! I will be slowly adding items to my shop every day until it’s full! I will also be doing some fun an exciting blog giveaways next week! So make sure you check back often! I also plan on highlighting some other projects that I can’t wait to share with you! It’s all just so exciting!

Enjoy browsing through my shop.

Thanks for all of your love and support!!!


P.S. Looking for something special, but you can’t find it? Just ask me. I LOVE custom orders!

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  1. Sheri says: May 7, 2010

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