I’m pretty sure I am starting to suffer from seasonal depression. Either someone is playing a trick on me and flipped my calendar or it’s still raining in June. We have had one of the wettest springs that I have ever seen. Today I heard a warning for possible flooding in the next day or so. Flooding in June? What the heck?? I know we live in Oregon, but this is ridiculous.

I’ve tried to ignore it. I’ve tried to pretend that it’s not raining. I’ve even worn my flip flops daily hoping that the pretty jewels on them posses magical powers and entice the sun to make an appearance. Needless to say, they must be magic rain makers instead. I’m going to throw them away. I am going to run around bare foot instead and chant “rain, rain go away” and don’t come back until, well, October!

Despite the rain, I actually have been very busy. I have several projects that I am super excited to share with you. I had planned on taking photos today, but the rain washed those aspirations away! Did I mention I try to take all my photos outside in natural light? Anyways, I am hoping that I will get at least a sun break or two tomorrow.

I just wanted to let you know that I am still alive, depressed, but alive. I’m hoping I can cheer myself up with pretty photographs tomorrow! In the meantime, I am hoping to catch up on some much needed sleep!


P.S. If you have any extra sun lying around, can you please overnight it too? I’d be happy to cover the shipping costs! Thanks!


  1. Sheri says: June 2, 2010

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