Okay, so I know you all must be dying to see how my Whoopie Pies turned out? Let’s just say that it’s always a good idea to have a “practice” round when you are baking something new. I know I always need one! By the second pan full of batter, I had a total handle on the proper amount of batter than I needed to put in each cup. How do you think they turned out?

Don’t you just love my baker’s twine? I think it’s super cute. It’s all the rage right now. I’ve seen it on packages, invitations, baked goods, etc. I even ordered some to wrap all of my Modern Moments’ packages with. I am planning on showing you all my new marketing material really soon. I love thinking of new and different ways I can package and ship my products. I’ll post more on this soon. For now, enjoy my Whoopie Pies.

** On a side note, I have no idea how to use my new camera yet, but I’d love any help, suggestions, critiques that you can give me. I am learning as I go. So bear with me while I learn! I’m sure my images will improve and I will look back of my first posts and cringe!**


P.S. Don’t forget to enter to win the Whoopie Pie book! Tell all of your friends too!!! Your life just won’t be complete without these adorable little Whoopie Pies!

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  1. Sheri says: May 15, 2010

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