Well, they could be!!!

My sister Kellie moved back into town and was in need of a new job. Her work experience was with little kids at the local YMCA both in Beaverton and Eugene. She was in search of a flexible job while she is in the process of finishing her college education. She came across a posting for a new indoor trampoline place. The company is Sky High Sports. They are a franchise with locations in California, Oregon, and Washington.

Kellie has been involved with helping them get everything set up and their doors open!! She mentioned in passing that she had a vinyl connection. Que big-sister-that-is-certified-crazy who always takes on way too many projects. Obviously, that is where I came in!! I was in charge of creating vinyl for their doors, as well as their front desk area, and other sinage throughout the building.

Here are some photos of the finished product. I think they turned out well. Your thoughts are always important to me. What do you think??

Let me just tell you that this was on the hardest things I’ve ever cut on my vinyl cutter. It was 17 feet long. That’s right. Seventeen feet!!! It was a major learning experience. Let’s just say I never EVER want to cut vinyl that long again!

I also created a quick promotional flyer for them. Feel free to print it out and take it into the Tigard, Oregon location. Write “Kellie’s” name on the back (Kellie Studer) and the employee who has the most customers bring in the flyers with their name on it gets $100. Who couldn’t use an extra hundered dollars? I know Kellie definitly could since she moved back in with our parents and is trying to move out as quickly as possible!!! Help her out!!

Print this out Flyer for 1 Free Hour of Jumping with Purchase of One Full Hour. I already added Kellie’s name for you!!! Sorry, tomorrow is the last day to use the coupons, but there are many more coupons to come. If you can’t make it before then, they are having their grand opening on OCTOBER 15, 2010. Go check it out!

I’m so excited about this place. It’s always hard to find good entertainment (especially in the cold rainy months) for all the boys! Sky High Sports is a wonderful venue for kids and adults of all ages!! They offer private parties, birthday parties, dodge ball tournaments, a foam pit, and open bounce sessions. We are already planning on having Skyler’s Sixth birthday party there. Here are some of their other amenities too!

If you’re having trouble picturing the trampoline place, imagine several large trampolines pieced together to create one massive trampoline floor. If that doesn’t sound amazing, imagine having walls surrounding this area also made of trampolines. So, your children can literally be bouncing off of the walls!! No worrying about them falling off either!!!

Also, don’t worry if you have little kids, there are several different trampolines and they each have designated age groups that can jump. I think Lincoln is just as excited to jump as the boys are. So, go check them out. They opened their doors on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st. Don’t forget to print out your coupon (write Kellie’s name on it) and go jump! We all know tired kids sleep better and so do we!!!

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  1. Nikki Johansen says: March 1, 2011

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