Lincoln started working at Tripwire when I was 8 months pregnant with Jackson. We’ve been really lucky to meet so many wonderful people through his work. Not only did Lincoln get a wonderful job, but we also got fabulous friends too. John is Lincoln’s co-worker. He happens to live two blocks from my parents house. Did I also mention that his roommate is also dating my cousin? I know, it gets complicated! Most importantly, there’s Laura. She is John’s girlfriend fiance.

I got the pleasure of being a part of the elaborate plot to surprise Laura. John contacted me and had a whole plan. He told Laura that he was planning on taking her to Bend this coming weekend. She had already purchased her wedding ring. Wait, her Grandma, technically bought it when they were vacationing in Palm Desert. Hey, when a girl sees something she wants, you better buy it, right? So, the ring was no longer a surprise. They already selected their wedding date. No surprise there. She is a total planner just like me. You wouldn’t want anyone else to take it. Did I mention they are not getting married until next summer???

Laura picked out a beautiful venue for their wedding and reception. It has one of the largest green houses on the estate. It is fully landscaped and amazing! She also knew that John had already asked her Dad for her hand in marriage. How cute is that? But, again, not a surprise!

When it came to the engagement, Laura thought she had it all figured out. Well guess what Laura? We got you!!!! This is how it all went down. Laura thought we were all meeting at Portland City Grill tonight for Happy Hour. I had called her a few weeks ago (per John’s surprise plot) and told her that Tripwire was going public and that they were having an event at 7 pm. Laura has a pretty busy social schedule and John wanted to make sure the date was reserved!

We always do happy hour or dinner somewhere before Tripwire events, so I know Laura thought nothing of it. John even arranged to have our brother-in-law, Ryan, photograph the whole event. I am dying to know more details!!! As I am writing this, he is proposing to her. I hope she isn’t mad at me for lying to her. It was all in good fun! I’ll give you an update before I actually publish this blog on all the exciting details!

I had already ordered custom edible icing decals from Hello Frosting. I needed to give them a gift to congratulate them! I know John and Laura always appreciate my baked goods. I also stumbled upon edible diamonds. I thought they made a perfect addition. Here are the cookies I made for them! I took a ton of photos so just bear with me!

Laura is planning on doing green and yellow for their wedding colors. She also talked about decorating with green apples!

**Update** Laura was totally shocked. I can’t wait to see the photos that Ryan too! She walked into a private room at Portland City Grill. She saw Ryan in the background and realized something was going on. There was flower, rose petals, champagne and wine (why have just one when you can have both), and then there was John. He recited some sweet nothings to her about not wanting to live his life without her and then got down on his knee and proposed. I think she was still in a bit of shock when I went over to drop off the cookies.

Wanna see the ring? I know I did. Here it is in all its glory!

Here are John and Laura. John looks a little under dressed right? Well, he was all dressed up, but before we could take some pics in his nice digs he changed. I guess you’ve got to be quicker.

I love John’s face. He looks so proud! Here they are with their cookies!

Here are a few more photos in case you haven’t seen enough!

Congratulations John & Laura! We are all so happy for you! I’m so excited to be a part of your special day (Laura asked me to be in the wedding! Can you see me jumping for joy right now?). Enjoy each other and your engagement (and the ring too)! Hope you liked your cookies!

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  1. Candace says: June 15, 2010
  2. danielle says: June 15, 2010
  3. Suzi Smith says: June 15, 2010
  4. Laura Ter Har says: June 15, 2010

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